Iceberg in a Bottle: the Arctic, a New Eldorado for Water Merchants

The Greenland ice cap is melting: an economic boon for mineral water merchants who want to bottle its icebergs, so-called pure water that’s sold at Champagne prices.
Les lagunas en Équateur : des lacs d’origine volcanique qui offrent des panoramas à couper le souffle

Découvrez les dix plus belles lagunas d’Équateur, ces lacs d’altitude occupant une dépression appelée caldeira formée par l’effondrement du cône d’un volcan à la suite d’éruptions intenses.
Crete, the Largest of the Greek Islands: a Paradise for Water Taxis… and Hikers

Island of gods, mountains and turquoise waters with peaceful bays only accessible on foot or by water taxis, Crete has a lot to offer to climbers and hikers who love deserted beaches during off-peak season (in early June).